ImageTrend Collaborate™ Research
Impact of Helmet Law Repeal on Motorcycle Crash Incidents Attended by EMS in Missouri
Impact of Helmet Law Repeal on Motorcycle Crash Incidents Attended by EMS in Missouri
Previous research has shown motorcycle helmets save lives, reduce serious injuries, and reduce costs associated with healthcare, lost productivity, and other economic costs.1-3 The state of Missouri repealed its universal helmet use law for motorcyclists aged 26 and older with valid health insurance on August 28, 2020. The aim of this study was to compare characteristics of motorcycle crashes (MCC) attended by emergency medical services (EMS) in Missouri before and after the repeal of the helmet use law.
- National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Lives and costs saved by motorcycle helmets, 2017 (Traffic Safety Facts. Report No. DOT HS 812 867). U.S. Department of Transportation, Washington, DC; 2019. Available at icon. Accessed 4 April 2023.
- Liu BC, Ivers R, Norton R, et. al. Helmets for preventing injury in motorcycle riders. Cochrane Database Systematic Reviews. 2008;(1):CD004333. icon
- Patel, P. B., Staley, C. A., Runner, R., Mehta, S., & Schenker, M. L. (2019). Unhelmeted motorcycle riders have increased injury burden: a need to revisit universal helmet laws. Journal of surgical research, 242, 177-182.

ImageTrend Collaborate Report Volume One: PreHospital Insights from 2018-2020
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ImageTrend Collaborate Report Volume Two: PreHospital Insights from 2019-2021
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ImageTrend Collaborate Report Volume Three: PreHospital Insights from 2020-2022
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ImageTrend Collaborate Quick Facts Report: Lights and Sirens Usage Across the Nation
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ImageTrend Collaborate Short Report: 2018-2020 National Trends in Firearm-Related Incidents in the PreHospital Setting
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ImageTrend Collaborate Short Report: Pediatric Behavioral Health Incidents in the Prehospital Setting from 2018-2021
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ImageTrend Collaborate Short Report: Prehospital Incidents in the Geriatric Population from January 2019 to June 2022
Learn MoreImageTrend Collaborate
ImageTrend Collaborate™ is a research and analysis program developed by ImageTrend that is dedicated to the enhancement of healthcare and public safety industries. Collaborate provides insights and a higher-level awareness through industry-leading research. Collaborate utilizes a vast set of de-identified data sources including clinical, operational, licensing/credentialing, system of care registries and patient outcomes.
Clinical and Research Services Team
ImageTrend enhanced its data analysis solutions by establishing a Clinical and Research Services Team to better serve customers in emergency response, public health and public safety industries. Not only does this team provide insight into ImageTrend’s solutions, but also bridges the gap between data collection and a need for industry-wide research.

Morgan K. Anderson
Research Manager, Epidemiologist
Morgan K. Anderson joined the ImageTrend team in 2017. She graduated from the Medical College of Wisconsin in 2011 with a Master’s degree in Public Health with an emphasis in epidemiology. Prior to coming to ImageTrend, Morgan spent five (5) years with the Army Public Health Center as an Injury Prevention Epidemiologist. Morgan has been published in The Journal of Emergency Medical Services, The American Journal of Preventative Medicine, The American Journal of Sports Medicine, Public Health, Military Medicine, and others.

Alyssa M. Green
Data Analyst
Alyssa M. Green is a Data Analyst who is passionate about research relating to EMS workload, deployment and prehospital systems of care. Alyssa’s experience includes four years in phase 1 clinical research, six years as a paramedic on a 9-1-1 ambulance in a suburban EMS system and three years as a volunteer EMT for a rural EMS department. She works with the National EMS Quality Alliance as a project coordinator and member of the Quality and Research committee. She joined ImageTrend’s Clinical & Research Services Team in 2023. Alyssa holds a Master’s degree in Applied Statistics, Data Analysis and Data Science from the University of Kansas and has published works in Prehospital Emergency Care.

Douglas G. Butler, Jr.
Director of Strategic Development
Douglas Butler Jr. joined the ImageTrend team in 2018 and is currently the Director of Strategic Development. Prior to coming to ImageTrend, he began his EMS career in 2003 gaining experience in roles such as EMT, Paramedic, FTO/Paramedic Preceptor, EMD/EFD Certified 911 Dispatcher, EMS Educator, Regional Faculty (AHA) and Clinical Manager. As a Clinical Manager for AMR, Doug discovered his passion for data and quality improvement, which led to his position as Data Systems Manager for a multi-county EMS regulatory entity.

To Our Contributors
We want to thank our clients who have opted to provide their data to better the industry. Without you, our efforts to advance prehospital research to improve patient care, agency efficiencies, and industry knowledge would be limited.
About ImageTrend
How are the patient's healthcare record, EMS incident and the fire incident connected?