How Do We Collaborate to Avoid Readmission?

Webinar recorded on February 26, 2020

Webinar Description

With communication being one of the most important factors to avoid hospital readmissions, how can we collaborate to better connect with a patient to avoid a repeat visit? In this webinar, Lieutenant J.D. Postage from Violet Township Fire Department discusses the common themes for hospital readmissions. J.D. also explores how worksheets with Elite Community Health can be used to decrease readmissions rates.

Meet Your Presenter


J.D. Postage  |  Lieutenant/Community Paramedic  |  Violet Township FD

Lieutenant J.D. Postage has been in the fire service for 23 years. Lt. Postage rooted his career in helping others by starting at Bloom Township Fire Department while working part-time at Grant Hospital and Clinton Township Fire Department in Ohio. In October of 1999, he transitioned to Violet Township Fire Department, where he spent almost 9 years supervising the EMS operations of the department as the EMS Coordinator and now serves as their community paramedic.

Lt. Postage has been employed by Nationwide Children's Hospital for the last 20 years working as a paramedic in the emergency department and as an instructor for their EMS department. He also spent 8 years teaching EMS as an Adjunct Faculty member at Columbus State Community College.

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