Federal Initiative Provides Insights to Help States

Reduce Transportation Incidents


Transportation Incident Visualization (TIV) is a collaborative project developed in partnership with State EMS Offices, subject matter experts from the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT), The National Emergency Medical Services Information System (NEMSIS) and ImageTrend. The TIV will grant emergency services leaders, highway traffic safety and public health officials’ access to near-real time dashboards that identify high risk areas and behavioral trends of motor vehicle crash incidents. The collaboration between public and private entities will help reduce deaths and serious injuries as well as prevent transportation-related incidents on the nation’s highway system. The initiative supports the objectives of the USDOT’s National Roadway Safety Strategy, specifically to create safer roads, safer speeds and enhance post-crash care.

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Data by NHTSA Region

Map of the United States showing NHTSA Regions 1-10

Pediatric Pedestrian Incidents Attended by EMS
(Per 1,000 Pediatric Injuries) - 2023

Pediatric Pedestrian_noTitle


The purpose of the partnership is to provide near real-time Emergency Medical Service (EMS) data that highlights MVC information vital to state, territorial and federal agencies, empowering them with timely and accessible visualizations designed for streamlined transportation safety problem identification and countermeasure planning needed to optimize the safety of the nation's roadway network and its users.

Bar graph showing seatbelt use documented by gender for 2023 motor vehicle incidents attended by EMS. Male = 63, Female = 69.8.


helmet-use-in-motorcycli - Copy



Why Is This Important?

EMS responds to more than 1.4M motor vehicle crash-related injuries annually. Federal and state entities rely on motor vehicle crash incident data to identify areas for improvement within their communities and along the roadway systems, which they use to request funding to impact overall public safety. Often agencies manually collect data, making it challenging to analyze and garner insights. TIV will offer a systemic approach with near real-time data, giving users the ability to swiftly identify areas of safety vulnerabilities.

Analyzing motor vehicle crashes, understanding why they happen, and what can be done to prevent them from happening is the intelligence gained. Working together, we will help all parties involved use the dashboards to look at transportation incident insights from a predictive perspective. In short, the TIV dashboard insights system is an industry gamechanger.

Some of the core features of TIV are

Nationwide aggregation of transportation incidents.
Near real-time, configurable analytics.
Dashboards to filter incidents in multiple ways, for example by geographic area, type of fatality/injury, gender, race, involvement or use of drugs or alcohol, vehicle type, road type and much more.
Ability to analyze patient outcomes across the continuum of care.
Public display of transportation incident analytics. 

View the Companion Guide for information regarding the criteria used to select records

TIV Participating States

Click on your state to be connected to the state administrator to receive your login credentials. 

Want Your State to Participate?

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